Top 10 Tips for Interviews

Top 10 Tips for Interviews

Top 10 Tips for Interviews

Job interview tips
Duration: 00:01:41
Top ten, top ten, top ten, top ten tips for interviews. The top ten tips for interviews. Number 1) Do your research on the company, it’s culture and the position for which you are applying. Number 2) Review common questions that are asked during interviews. Prepare your answers in advance and practice, practice, practice.

Number 3) Dress professionally and with confidence. Number 4) Arrive on time and never be late. It might be a good idea to drive to the interview site the day before to see where it is and where to park.

Number 5) Be prepared. Bring extra copies of your resume, pen and paper to take notes. And also do not eat or smoke before your interview. Number 6) Show enthusiam and be authentic to everyone you encounter, not just the people who are interviewing you. Make a good first impression.

Number 7) Maintain eye contact. And remember body language. Avoid bad habits. Number 8) During the interview, listen very carefully to the question that are asked. Give specific examples using the STAR method. The situation you faced, the task at hand, the actions you performed and the result you achieved.

Number 9) Ask insightful questions back to your interviewer. Number 10) Follow-up after your interview with a thank you card or email. Good luck, good luck, good luck.
#Top #Tips #Interviews


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