The Truth and the Lie || Truth Coming Out of Her Well || Jean-Leon Gerome-The exemplary Painter

[The Truth and the Lie || Truth Coming Out of Her Well || Jean-Leon Gerome-The exemplary Painter

Psychometric testing explained
Duration: 00:02:09
A beautiful painting which has evolved a parable and the painting name is the truth coming out of the well and this is done by none other than john leon jerome in 1896 and the parable which was adapted from khalil gibran is what i am bringing to you all today

The naked truth the truth and the lie meet one day the lie says to the truth it’s a marvelous day today the truth looks up to the skies and size for the day was truly beautiful they spend a lot of time together eventually arriving beside a spring the light tells the truth

The water is very nice let’s take a path together the truth once again suspicious test the water and discover that it is indeed very nice they undress and start bathing suddenly the light jumps out of the water puts on the clothes of the truth and runs away the furious truth runs

Everywhere to find the lie and to get her clothes back the world seeing the truth naked turns its gaze away with contempt and rage the poor truth returns to the spring and disappears forever hiding there in its shame since then the lie travels around the world dressed as the truth satisfying the

Needs of society because the world in any case harbors no wish at all to meet the naked Truth
#Truth #Lie #Truth #Coming #JeanLeon #GeromeThe #exemplary #Painter


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