What the applicants thought of the assessment day

What the applicants thought of the assessment day

What the applicants thought of the assessment day

Job assessment tips
Duration: 00:02:14
I think it was quite tough but in the correct level for someone who is Going for 20,000 pounds personally It is slightly challenging, slightly intense and the lunch was fantastic It has been enjoyable, it has been welcoming, it has not been particularly intimidating but it has been challenging at the same time

Because I want to go into teach and teaching physics and inspiring young kids and opening their minds into how the world works I’ve always loved to find out how things worked and enjoyed explaining how things work too

I really want to have some help in the first couple of years throughout my teaching career because I come from a biology background and I have done a physics enhancement course and I feel like some mentorship by some proper, very good physicists and some ideas to use in the classroom with some experiments would be invaluable

I got onto my PGCE course a couple of weeks ago so gave my notice went on holiday, A level textbook on the beach and I read through that I’ve done a Subject Knowledge Enhancement Course since last September so I finished that last month.

For today I got my questions on Tuesday so it is Friday today so I’ve had a couple of days preparing for those and basically having a quick flick through the GCSE textbook

There’s a great community spirit about here and everybody seems really up for it and everybody seems really pro physics. It is great to be in a community like that

It is a lot more welcoming. I think the thing that really sort of stood out to me about it was the statement of that you are or we’ll hope you’ll be physicists that happen to teach rather than teachers who happen to be physics specialists. I think that’s quite nice because I don’t want to stop being a physicists, I don’t want to stop being involved in physics

The overarching thing is that there are contact points and the tools that can be used to support me in my teaching career And when I get back I am going to be looking at those in more depth on the Institute of Physics website
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